Sparkle Partners with The Fundraising Regulator

We recently registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

While Sparkle always adheres to its guidelines, being registered with the Fundraising Regulator cements our commitment to a fundraising approach in line with the Code of Fundraising Practice. Our place in the Fundraising Regulator public directory confirms we are signed up to its fundraising best practice.

Sparkle is pleased to be registered with the Fundraising Regulator as we extend our fundraising activities to meet the growth in demand for our services and support of Gwent children and young people with disabilities and/or developmental difficulties, and their families.

Can you help with fundraising?

We are always looking for individuals and companies to help us raise the funds needed to continue our support of children withe complex needs.

Could you fundraise for Sparkle using one of our fundraising ideas or one of your own?

Would you be kind enough to introduce Sparkle to your employer as a great local charity to support?

Please email for more information on how our fundraising team can support you.