There will be some changes to our MediCinema screenings at Serennu Children's Centre. It has been agreed that we will be moving our current Wednesday screening to a Saturday afternoon. This will allow for us to deliver two screenings on a Saturday. It is hoped that this will give families with younger children and those living further afield more opportunities to enjoy MediCinema.
The changes are proposed to take place early May, therefore we will not have a screening on Wednesday 1st May and then have our first Saturday double screening on 4th May.
An evening screening will continue to take place on Tuesdays.
Bookings for screenings will remain via an Eventbrite link which will be sent out to all of our families registered to MediCinema. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch with the MediCinema team.
To register for MediCinema please contact: or 01633 748128